Indigenisation Opportunities

1: Request For Information for Procurement of Armoured Vehicles….view

2: Request For Information for Procurement of Sub Machine Gun….view

3: Request For Information for Procurement of Pistol 9mm….view

4: Request For Information for Procurement of Night Vision Devices….view

5: Items available for indigenisation by Bharat Electricals Limited(BEL)….view

6: Items available for indigenisation by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL)….view

7: Items available for indigenisation by Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited(GRSE)….view

8: Items available for indigenisation by Goa Shipyard Limited(GSL)….view

9: Items available for indigenisation by Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited(MIDHANI)….view

10: Items available for indigenisation by Hindustan Shipyard Limited(HSL)….view

11: Items available for indigenisation by Mazagon Dock Limited(MDL)….view

12: Items available for indigenisation by Ordnance Factory Board(OFB)….view

13 : The Security Manual for Licensed Defense Companies in the private sector is being issued in pursuance of para 12 of the Press Note No.2(2002 series)issued by the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce Industry,Government of India laying down guidelines….view
